One of the first questions we all have!Youth registration is only $130 a year!
Adult registration is only $60 a year! (or as much as you can)
Scout Life magazine is only $15 a year! (optional)

*National registration fee: Program development, administration, systems, and resources.
*San Diego Council fee: Insurance and local programs
*Pack 787 dues (youth only): T-shirt, patches, advancement items, activities

Access for every child

Cost should never be a barrier to Scouting. Let us know if you have any concerns as scholarships may be available. There is no judgement here.

Startup and Occasional Costs

New Member Joining Fee
There is a one-time $25 joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts. No joining fee for adult volunteers or  participants previously registered in any Boy Scouts of America (BSA) program such as transferring from another location, or those transferring from one program to another.

Uniform & Handbook
Another one-time startup cost includes a uniform and handbook. Depending on your selections this can range from $40 – $100. As your Cub Scout ranks up each year, they will need a new handbook and a few uniform pieces, this can range from $20 – $40. See The Uniform tab for more details.

Scout Life magazine
The official monthly publication of the BSA is only $15 per year. It is optional, but highly recommended to reinforce the program. Check out this mini-mag sample issue PDF!

Through its exciting graphics and award-winning articles, SCOUT LIFE brings Scouting into the home for all boys and girls, strengthens membership retention, stimulates rank advancement, and helps all family members feel closer to Scouting. The Cub Scout edition is filled with pictures, puzzles, comics, and word games appropriate for the 6 to 11 year-old child, and special pages just for Tigers and Webelos Scouts.

Appearing monthly in each SCOUT LIFE edition are Scouts in Action, Pedro, Pee Wee Harris, and Think & Grin. Every issue of SCOUT LIFE is filled with wholesome and educational articles and stories that reflect the principles and ideals of the Boy Scouts of America. Even for Scouts who must miss a meeting or two, SCOUT LIFE will be there, helping them to work on their Scouting projects.

Campouts & Field Trips
Occasionally, Pack campouts or field trips may have a cost. The Pack tries to subsidize this as much as possible as the budget allows.

We realize that asking parents to pay to volunteer their time and services is a downer. These fees are necessary to cover the costs of keeping the program safe. It covers training programs, so that is no additional cost. We do not charge a Pack fee to adults. In fact, adults get a free Pack T-shirt when they register!


Youth members participate in fundraising projects to cover the costs of events, activities, and equipment. There is also opportunity to cover their registration dues through fundraising as well. Participation in this age old tradition teaches Scouts to earn their own way and learn the value of money.

Our main source of fundraising is through Trails-End, selling popcorn, pretzels, nuts, jerky, and coffee. This is done in a safe manner by wagon sales, storefronts, or online.

How to pay

New members
When you register online for the first time through the website, you are prompted to pay a prorated fee by card. Those fees only include the National and Council fees. Note that if you register late in the calendar year, you may be prompted to pay for the next year in advance, in addition to the prorated current year (make sure the Pack is aware if this happens so that we can track it properly and avoid confusion).

For new members the Pack fee is charged separately, and tracked via Payment Logs in ScoutBook. This can be paid to the Pack by Venmo, check, or cash.

Existing members
Moving forward in your next years it gets easier. You will make one lump payment directly to the Pack to cover everything. All fees for existing members are fronted by the Pack through a re-chartering process, so existing members just pay the Pack.

Total charges will be tracked via Payment Logs in ScoutBook. This can be paid to the Pack by Venmo, check, or cash.

How to pay
Click HERE for a guide on paying the Pack through Venmo. Search @pack787oside or use the QR code below. We’re friends here, we are not a business, so be sure to use the option for ‘Friends & Family’.
For dues, be sure to enter a Note with your Scout’s full name & the words “Pack Dues”, or your full name & the words “Adult fees”.
For derby kits or trip costs, be sure to enter a Note with your Scout’s full name & a short description of what item or event it is for.
For donations, be sure to enter a Note with the Scout’s full name so that they can be recognized.

2024 Cub Scout Handbooks (Latest Updates!)

We are part of the Rancho San Luis Rey Zone within the San Diego-Imperial Council (SDIC) # 049. We are chartered by the Pacific Youth Alliance, and have a partnership with the San Luis Rey Valley United Methodist Church. We typically meet at the church, and sometimes hold larger meetings at Mission Meadows Elementary School.In Pack 787, Scouts get to experience and learn about everything from camping to community involvement to sporting activities, and much more! We hope that they will form lasting friendships with the fellow Cub Scouts in their den and pack – and that the families will also have the chance to meet and form great relationships based on shared experiences, goals, and triumphs. Cub Scouts is a family program. One of our goals is to strengthen family bonds.

We typically have 20 to 30 boys and girls in the Pack, with 4 to 6 kids of the same grade per Den.
The Cub Scouting program is now open to boys and girls, to better serve today’s busy families. By welcoming both girls and boys into the program, even more youth will have access to the character development and values-based leadership that Scouting promises. With a unique blended model that builds on the proven benefits of a single-gender program, boys and girls meet and do most of their adventures in separate Dens, and occasionally come together as part of the whole Pack. 

Our dens meet twice a month, there is a monthly parent meeting, and a monthly Pack Show where we all come together for recognitions and Pack activities. Other events and activities are scheduled using Scoutbook and good old word of mouth. You can find more information on Family Scouting here.